Bản Tin 11/25/18
Hannah Brockhaus Nov 14, 2018 CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY ROME – Christians are called not only to refrain from telling falsehoods, but to conduct their entire lives – both words and actions – as a witness to the Truth that is Jesus Christ, Pope Francis said Wednesday. “Let us ask ourselves: what truth do the works … [Read more…]
Feelings are raw with regard to the sex abuse crisis, and I am in no mood to fast for it. I will anyway. This week, as the U.S. bishops gather for their annual fall meeting, many Catholics are following Pope Francis’s suggestion for fasting and prayer for the bishops at their gathering. At Benedictine College, … [Read more…]
by ChurchPOP Editor – November 13, 2018 Public Domain / Caroline Bortle / ChurchPOP We celebrate the feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on Nov. 13 in the United States. She was the first United States citizen to ever become a canonized saint! How cool is that?! Here’s eight more amazing facts that you might not know about this incredible … [Read more…]